What in the world...

Does the Texas State Services Commision want looking here? Color me mystified. I've never been west of the Missisippi in my whole life, hey. (Shrugs....) That was odd, but at least I am out of gun range....

I saw a post this morning about the governor of Arizona. She gleefully banned ethnic studies from that state's schools.


To be honest, we never learned about Native Americans, too embarassing, I guess. And we never learned that the US killed one million people in Asia over a ten year period after they had established a democracy in the Phillipenes, then got killed in order for the US to control the sugar market. We never learned a lot of things, and btw, killing one million people is what later came to be known as genocide. No one taught us that. It was 'Murka, and everything was wonderful and good, and we were all 'Mr. Clean', hey. Yup.... Knights in shining (white) armour, oh yeah, pretty story.

Well, you'd think, huh?

We didn't learn a hell of a lot of things, input garbage in, you get garbage out, and that is how it goes down.

So Jan Brewer can sweep it all under the rug, and make everything tighty-whitey in her little state, but boy howdy, she is one destructive lady.

Tomorrow, am off to Gamlitz again..... Am not looking forward to what I see.

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