Hokay..... it's another horriday

People who follow this blog are gonna think we are all play and no work.....

But yeah.... it is Christ's Fahrt to Heaven, so it's a horriday. No one I know goes to church. Just another long weekend.

I can hardly wait for Pentecost. The third week in the year where you go into a very long weekend, because the Monday is also right in there with the Saturday and Sunday. That is coming up around the 22nd, or so, you can just suck it up and get happy.

'Oh yeah, tongues of fire,' and so on.... We can all speak in tongues, and drive one another nuts. Or something....

Ok, will admit.... Peter woke me up out of a sound sleep, and I am irritable, Preciousses..... NO one wakes me out of a deep sleep without paying a price... I was acidic.

So... Christihimmelfahrt. Am descending into sophmoric humour here, btw. The word 'Fahrt', means 'trip' but is pronounced like the english word for passing gas. And I have a lovely
anecdote about that, but will save it for Maria Himmelfahrt.

It was odd that Stephen Colbert wanted to light one yesterday to illustrate the methane coming out of the Gulf, and had to be doused with a fire extinguisher. Whereupon I thought, 'well, that isn't coincidence...'

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