It's Friday, so it's another trek south, of course...

This one went without mishap. I snapped this for my cousin, as she really liked these flowering shrubs, so it reminded me she once took a slip home to try to transplant it to NH. And always forgot to ask if it had taken....

Walking from the station in Ehrenhausen to the square, I realised they have a raven on top of the city hall, and the Maypole was up, and very tall indeed, and of course, the church steeple...

Later I walked up the steep hill above Peter's home, and found this sort of 'romantic'.

Took Peter into town, he had some ice cream and strawberries, and found the Maypole in Gamlitz very nice....

And oh yes, there was an old pump I saw, rusted as hell, in a yard...

found a field full of buttercups, looked inviting as a place to spread a blanket and just rest. My foot was hurting, by that time.

And Peter was glad to see me. We checked out the terrace for a bit, but the weather was going changeable, so we went in. It was a quiet day, but everything smelled so nice compared to the city. It was relaxing.

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