Just an addendum to yesterday's 'excellent adventure'...

Things happen that are 'unimportant' at the time, but gain importance later.

Peter has a 'girlfriend'. Na, na... I was wheeling him out of the home, y'see... And this absolutely foxy lady was coming up the slope, and said, 'Hey guys! You up to no good?' She was so jaunty, and nice, I thought... 'I could really learn to like this lady'.... She is very attractive, would assume about forty, dark-haired, thin, and a stellar smile.

And Peter was absolutely fawning all over her. Which is news to me. He normally isn't friendly to women. It was just a small exchange of words, but seemingly, he really gets off on her. I liked her immediately. And I liked the chemistry there. Peter was all, 'what shift are you on today, and will I see you????' And she was all a bit dialect, and it was, 'Oh, honey, you know I'm gonna look in on you....' And his face lit up like a fire-cracker on the Fourth of July. She's a nurse there.

Nice, isn't it? Looking back, it made me feel good about where things have gone so far.

There are four people there who make me feel I know he is in good hands and care. My favourite so far is Juliana, the assistant director. She gets my humour, and that isn't an easy thing for most people.... And Ksenia, a head nurse. You could drown in her eyes, and only see good.

When we got back, Juliana was all aflutter. She had looked for us downtown---if you can call it that. Because we had a fun sparring match in the lobby before going out, and he wanted a hat with a visor, you know, like a baseball cap. And he was testy. To the point where I said, 'Look, if you don't stop, I'm gonna bring you your toque from Missoni next week, and see how you like that then... ' (It was 27 degrees Centigrade... bloody hot.) So we got back, and J was all aflutter, saying she had been looking for us 'downtown'. And she had a green baseball cap for him. I said, 'Well we only went to the supermarket, and then had a stop at Wratschko's outside.' 'Well thank you for the report, but I found a cap, and wanted to give it to him.'

Peter likes his baseball cap. I assume it is from someone departed from the home, which is sort of creepy. We went to the lift, and he turned it around backward, and said, 'Isn't that the way Americans do this?' I could have smacked him one, but I found it funny. And I said, 'You watch way too much tee-vee.'

He knows exactly how much I hate that, and I assume he got it from 'Doug' in 'King of Queens'.

Sigh..... America's exports aren't always tasteful, y'know?

Listen, am not bitching here..... I found it all funny, somehow, as in, to smile about. I don't get mucht of that any more. But there were a few flashes, so to speak.

Was down today, and called the Venerable. That is always an adventure. As per usual, his hearing aid was turned off, and it becomes a challenge of the first order. 'DAD???' Who is this?' 'Ummm.. your son....' (yelling). When he finally got it and put in his hearing aid, it was 'Oh!', and his voice lit up.

And this is only for Annti. Darlin', I don't KNOW how you do it. But 'The Venerable' was on the verge of bragging about how you call him on the telly-phone, sort a one-upmanship man thing. You have made him so very happy, doing that. And it was clear that he really likes you, and those calls have been special to him. Bless you for doing that.

I wanted to talk to my cousins, but the damned time zones.... I hate answering machines.

So... Another day, another problem to solve, but it is getting better.

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