Today I got my 'Revanche'---- in Café Purgatory...

It was sweet. It's the train station café where I have to wait an hour to get back to Graz from Ehrenhausen. The one where you go in, say 'good day' loudly, because you are an outsider, and are viewed as suspicious, and you order something and read a book and keep quiet. It's rowdy.

Some months ago, I got labelled a faggot because I took a brand new camera on a wrist strap to the WC, came back, and heard it when I came back. So I opened it, checked photos in an ostentatious manner, and embarrased the man. A couple weeks later, he paid for my drink, because I'd embarassed him. And I'd said I'd return the favour.

I had never run across him since months ago in Café Purgatory. Till this evening.

And there he was, long blonde greasy hair, looking seven month's pregnant, from all the booze he guzzles... earrings, and that is so unflattering if you are over forty... and I came in and said, 'Gruß Gott' to no one in particular, because that is what you do...

And the waitress came over, and she is a borne of hilarity.... And I ordered my min, and said, 'And whatever that guy is having, it's on me, because I owe him one.' (I'd said that, back then. He's not a regular.)

And he asked 'Hey, how's it going?

I said 'More or less. Mostly less... But what can you do hey.'

(That is sooo Austrian... btw...)

So I got out my book and continued my Krimi... I take light stuff on the train to read, because there is nothing to see any more. Just walls to cut off the sound. And all of a sudden, he came over 'toasted' me with a glass of wine jazzed up with mineral water, and bowed. (He was kinda wrecked already...)

A little later I was packing up my things, because the train would be coming, and he comes over to see what I was reading.

'Grant Michaels? And it is in German?'

'It's a Krimi. The oringinal is in English. I have the German translation.'

'They all lie.'


'I have to catch my train to Graz.'


'I live there.'

'Oh, are you the guy who comes down here to see his friend?'

'Yup, the same. He's not doing well. That is why I said Less....'

So... am now famous.... or infamous in Gamlitz and Ehrenhausen.

I explained... a little bit... 'And sorry, gotta get that train, it's been a long day.'

He gave me a clap on the shoulder, sort of camaderie, and said, 'You take good care.'

'And YOU have a good week, hey.'

So I took care of an 'outstanding debt'.

And 'Revanche' doesn't mean revenge. It means making things 'equal'.

He's ok.

You just have to know how things work.

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