Uh-huh.... I only have three to five more days.....

Till I get the official decision that I get an invalidity pension.

This means I'm gonna be what some people call a Scheiß-Pensionist. You know the type, the grinch pensioners who run around crabbed up all the time and are grinch-like, have no understanding for 'younger generations', and elbow their way in front of you at supermarket counters 'because they have no time'.

Impolite, rudest.... It is gonna be fucking terrible.

So.... I have three to five days, and then this blog is gonna turn into a nightmare....

Or something similar to one.

Yesterday, I got a letter from the government telling me no more money, go to the unemployment people, or apply again for a pension.

Which was sorta kinda odd, because the pension people hadn't sent me a decision yet.

I flipped the fuck out. (Some of my former colleagues have seen when I do that, and used to start singing the signation to the old series Flipper. It was meant nicely, but immediately made me calm down a little. And it was always embarrassing in retrospect.)

Lucky for you all I decided to sleep on it and see what the hell was happening.

So this morning I got up, and then threw up, because when I get upset, that is what happens... And went to the pension place, and asked what the hell I was supposed to do.

I had visions of being thrown out of my house and sleeping under bridges, and don't even have a sleeping bag any more.

Whatever, what the social security number is to Americans, the health card number is to you for everything here. An easy to remember four digit number, and then your date of birth.

It is a bit Orwellian..... yes.

But the lady typed it in, and said, 'Oh, you don't have to worry. It is still being worked on but has been approved. ' And that I should get the thing by the end of the week, and she would take care of the rest.

So I was in Flipper mode for naught.

What the hell, it only TOOK thirteen months.....

Still, it was a weight off of my mind, believe me.

And no, I never wanted this at this time of my life, nor wish for it, and am hurt and disappointed.

But you take what life dishes out, you know?

Whatever... I only have a few days to be nice till I get the official notice.

And then, just watch out. Pensioners are Poisonous. Maybe I will start a group, like the KKK. Poisonous Pensioners....

Who the fuck knows?

And that really was tongue in cheek.... Some people don't understand my sarcasm.

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