Why the hell do I t get into these odd situations???

Shoot me.

My neighbor W got into an all-out war with the house owner, the ass-hole former janitor and his wife, who kept stealing from him. It has been going on for months. They turned off his hot water, they cut off his electricity, and when he complained to the owner they turned it back on before she could ascertain that he wasn't lying.

And on and on.

Now W really wants to rent the old apt. from Peter if he moves out. And he really has to find a solution soon. Upon which we all three got an intestinal flu for the last week, which has really slowed us down....

And then W's electric got cut off for good, and he came over a few days to watch tee-vee.

Upon which I felt sorry for him, and said ok. And came to realise that I have been living alone so long, I have come to love silence in my house. W. is a news junkie, loves any kind of documentuary, and a bit deaf in one ear from having actually fought real wars without earplugs and it got loud. The shooting.... I love tee-vee, but only watch if there is something on that I really want to see. Or turn on the dvds. And concentrate.

So I let him watch, and tried to do some surfing on the notebook, but the tee-vee was so distracting, I couldn't do much. And he hung around, and Hung around, and I also realised, I like many hours in the day when I have my privacy. And silence. (Yes, I know, in America something in the house is always making noise and distracting, but I kicked the habit decades ago.)

Whatever, his flu hit the high point yesterday, and he asked me if he could 'penn' in my apt. To penn is to sleep, or be a bum and crashed out on my floor on my couch cushions, because between the throwing up and the diahhrea, he was in a bad way. So I said ok. And that he had to clean up any mess he made, because I am fucking tired of cleaning up after people.

He spent a half-way quiet night, and didn't snore, which he claims he does.

So ok.... Except I DIDN'T sleep half the night.... It was so weird having someone in my room whom I do not know in the biblical sense and never want to know that way....


He was just afraid of getting so ill, he would be alone and not know whom to call for help.

So I said ok.....

So how about THAT picture.... me hardly sleeping, and W in his little camping place on the floor...?

It is no WONDER I got an invalidity pension. There has to be something wrong with me. Has to be.

Someone gave me an empathy gene that I cannot suppress.

And you show ME someone in America, who is gay, or vice versa, and take in a vice versa, and let them crash on their floor.

Oh.... yes, someone just came to mind.

I don't want to embarrass him on the nets.....

As to W. Well... his fear of gays has gotten better over the past 18 months. He trusts me enough, so as not to kill me for anything I can think of....

And know enough to know that he is 'decent', and his heart is in the right place, even if he is misguided, and came out with a Catholic predjudice today that nearly made me throw him out of the house because it came out of left field, and angered me.

Bipartisanship, darlin's, it can sometimes work....

But why the fuck do I even bother?

I think I should get a cat or a dog.

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