Bad weekend.....

So was too discouraged to post. That can happen...

Today was only worse... And went off the charts for angry at Peter's. Now I know he has pneumonia...... Just the effort to get from the bed to the wheelchair to the wc and back had him huffing and puffing, and making wheezing noises out of his lungs that make my little occasional asthma sound like a hiccup in comparison...

And the spells of confusion are coming faster, and longer than they were. One minute he is cogent, can kid me about Obama or Sarah Palin, and the next? Total blank, hey. And mixing things up? Oh.... get me a bucket to barf in, hey...

Oh, we just had telepathy writing this. He just called for the second time after I was there for hours. He finally wants a hospital bed. And asked me if I could be there if the 'youth services' come over there tomorrow about setting that up. Right, youth services... uh-huh. He did correct himself and said he meant social services, but these slips are getting really frequent....

There is more, but do not wish to get into it.

I told him if he didn't get himself into a hospital, and like yesterday, I will not visit any more, because I am sick and tired of watching him die.

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