I just took a wild time trip.... in my mind...

The New York Times had a piece up about videos on the HAIR website, with after-show dancing. I seemingly clicked the wrong link, and ended up on the main page of the 2009 Tony award winning revival site, with lots of clips and reports about the show.

The revival was after FORTY YEARS, which sort of freaks me out... where the hell did the time go???

But I realised I still love that show, and the music and the message. I guess I was too disciplined to be a dirty fuckin' hippie back then, don't know. Wanted to be... Did a few things with an activist group that wanted to get an alternative to our town's local rag, used my free time to do some fun things....

My favourite was asking people to sign a petition on 'Main Street'. And everybody said, 'This is Communist! No WAY I am gonna sign this.' And I said, 'Excuse me???' It was the Declaration of Independence, re-framed into modern language as it was spoken in the Nawth.... The ensuing article in the alternate paper... had the all-powerful one run them out of town, and they are lucky to be alive.... if they are...

I was very sorry to see them have to go. They were way cool...

That show embodied the spirit of an era, looking back.

However... the show went viral, and I guess that is like viral YouTube videos today. A global hit.

I never saw it in the US, although they toured... no money at the time...

I saw it in Graz, a touring company about 17 years ago. (I had seen the film, and liked it well enough.)

But that night, that little theater was filled with young people, and what was on stage had little to do with the film, other than the music. What left me spitless was that the audience was mostly all mid-twenty, and off the charts for enthusiastic. They knew ALL the lyrics, sang along, made out with each other in every form, I was ..... errm... more than surprised. Delighted, but surprised. Thinking, 'how do you KNOW all this, you weren't even a spark in your parent's eyes when this all came out.' It was excellent, by the way.... and libidos were up to the explosion point by the end.

Saw it again when they did a limited edition in the Raimund Theater in Vienna with Peter. It was terrific.

And so... some things follow you through your life, and affect you, I guess. HAIR is one of them, and I still love that music.

And OH... my tracking site tells me that I got called up by the House of Representatives, and wanted to see what I had about Alan Grayson. I am so proud.....

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