ugh.... da media...

For a month or so now, have been clicking in to the 'Morning Joe' programm on the internets. Former Senator Joe Scarborough mouths off ALL of the time. It is 'conservative', but he's an ass-hat, in my opinion. And interestingly enough, he has a lot in common with 'liberal' Chris Matthews, aka 'Tweety' in some ways. Both of these show hosts seem to demonstrate what is wrong on that side of the aisle.

Both seem to have been close to power once, and never got over it. They just do not. And half of their shows reference the 'work' they did in the House and Senate.... in the 90's. When the Clinton health care proposal died.... and oh boy, are they so full of themselves.

'Tweety' thinks he is a 'liberal'. He's a diabetic, said so himself, and that explains his odd behaviour, so I can understand why he reacts the way he does sometimes, but he is sort of pathetic.

Scarborough is a blowhard, and I want to stick with him right now. He lurvs to apply his experience from his 'glory days' to current events. It is like listening to the high school football star missing his moment in the spotlight and then having to be a used car salesman.

His 'partner in media crime' is Mika Brzinzski, daughter of Zbigniev. She got relegated to being the one who can never get a word in side-ways, denigrated to saying, 'Oh wow', or 'stop it', and you would have to believe she has cotton candy between her ears, except here and there she gets a zinger out, and I would think she is not so superficial as one might believe. And probably more liberal than she lets on. Having to work with that blowhard (Joe) every day can't be fun. And the show is sponsored by Starbucks, so hey, corporate interests at work.

Lately, they have been having panels with the spaced-out, absolute intellectual lightweight Peggy Noonan. I believe she wrote speeches for her idol Ronnie Ray-gun. I don't know what was in the Kool-aid she was given, but she sure drank it all up. And never got over it. It is excruciating to listen to. The most spaced-out woman I have ever heard...

The show I saw today involved the CPAC convention in Washington. It was the oddest thing I have ever seen....

After a while, I wanted to turn it off, but couldn't in horrified fascination. Who ARE these people, and why do they have this sense of 'entitlement'? I worked for someone like that, so it hits home, it really does. People living in their pasts, and running about telling everyone how much EXPERIENCE they have, and running over their credentials constantly.

It's like saying, 'I was important...... once.' And they can't get over it.

And yes, that is the feeling I get when I take a look in at Hardball or Morning Joe.

And why would I bother watching, you ask? Peter's adopted 'mother', who left everything she had to him, grew up as Austrian in what is now Slovenia. Our chambermaids were mostly from there, and she would report everything they said, but she never spoke the language with them, although she could have. And my friend asked her why she would do that?

She said, 'You have to know the language of the enemy.'

I always thought that was a clever. if sneaky answer....

And that is why I check in with those people.

But sometimes the above people make me want to throw bricks at them.

And oh yes, their network is decried as 'liberal'. Uh-huh.

2 Responses to "ugh.... da media..."

Anntichrist S. Coulter says
21 February 2010 at 02:07

Honey, if it's MSNBC you're talking about, remember the "MS" in there. Nothing to do with Microsoft or any other globe-eating corporation (see also: YAHOO FUCKING SUCKS GANGRENOUS WEASEL COCKS AND IMPLANTS MALWARE ONTO YOUR FUCKING COMPUTER, WHICH THEY EXPECT YOU TO ***PAY THEM*** FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF HAVING IT REMOVED!!!!!) is ever going to be truly "liberal." When I had access to it, I held out some small fleeting hope for Al Gore's cable/satellite network (can't recall the name at the moment), but I'm sure that their bottom line is far more important now than the "vision" with which is was originated.

We all get swept-up in ideology during campaigns, what the candidates claim to "believe in" and "stand for," when we all know it's horseshit --- what we need to remember is WHO'S PAYING THEIR BILLS --- it ain't us. Sure, they accept that public paycheck happily, but that's a mere fraction of their actual take. I coulda sworn that there were laws against that shit... but apparently not, nor will they allow such to ever exist.

RenB says
21 February 2010 at 19:54

Hey, I would rather look at Rachel Maddow than anything, and she is awesome, and on their programmining. Which is the only reason I go there.