damn, damn, damn....


Is one of the most widely used medications for people with Diabetes II. And the FDA just issued a warning that it can cause heart attacks, among other things....

The report was on 'Nightly News with Brian Williams' yesterday.

For quite a while now, one of the posters on Americablog who lives in Paris has been going ON about the FDA, and how there is no regulation, and they dropped the ball some years ago. Seems he was right...

The thing is... the pharmaceutical company that makes it sells it world-wide, only under other names in other countries. It is a big seller. So guess who is going to his favorite apothecary tomorrow? This guy is exceptionally nice, even delivers way across town if a patient can't get to him. And he has this book for tourists in trouble, who lost their meds, and need a prescription filled? And if you give the english name for it, he can find out what the german name for it is. Really, have done that for some of my US guests in the ho-tel.

I don't know if he will tell me if he filled a prescription of that for Peter. Even tho he knows that we are very close. Confidentiality rules bind. As it should be. However... once I find out what the equivalent is, I can always go to our GP and inform him.

Today was a downer... Peter called at 8:40... 'Good morning, how are you?' Yadda, yadda yadda. 'Am leaving at eleven to fetch your mail, and then bus over to the hospital.' 'Good.' 10:15... 'Good morning, how are you?' 'Errrm, Peter, you already called and asked me that...'

'I did? I forgot, I guess...'


Yesterday, the whites of his eyes were clear, and he was perky. Today? The left one was bloodshot on the right side. And he had a big black and blue mark on his left bicep. So I asked, 'what the hell is THAT???' And he said, 'Oh, they gripped a bit too hard lifting me.' (in a tone of 'no big deal'.) My first impression was that they gave him and injection and missed the first time.

Am not happy about that, whatever it was, no Preciousses.... not at all.

To top it off, one of his letters was from the Pension people, and they informed him that his pension would be attached, for a tee-vee service he never had, and it didn't phase him at all. Bottom line? ONE THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED SIXTY THREE Euros. I only saw that because he couldn't open the envelope himself.

I freaked. 'Jeebus, Mary and Josef, what the FUCK were you thinking of???? I told you to cancel that a year and a half ago! Because it didn't work, fer gawwd's sake!'

And he doesn't care.... just doesn't care....

Am gonna go bang my head against a wall for a while now.. maybe knock some sense into it. Who knows...

I really do hate Sundays....

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