errm... say what? The public option is back on the table?? MORE Kabuki?

I haven't done much posting on health care reform, because I thought it was dead.

And all of a sudden, it is back into consideration after the greediest, biggest, private insurances thought they were safe, and hiked premiums up 39% and above because they thought they had won????? And that people would go along with it, and just take it or drop out and be uninsured?

Alan Grayson was right. 'Don't get sick. And if you do, die quickly.' How very succinct. Wellpoint is dropping ill people from their coverage as fast as they can to make even more profits.

If Dickens were alive, he'd get another aneurism for 'outrage'.

I don't trust all this posturing any more, I really do not. Tja, elections are coming up, and despite what John Bonehead Boehner says, a majority of Americans want to have a choice. Polls show that... It is all over the internets, and am sure the polls are correct.

And Washington is just spineless. This past year has disgusted me, and I have good reason to compare.

My friend Peter is in hospital where I am. It was 'five minutes to midnight', he was told, and I had to fight like never before to get him to agree to go there.

I'm not relating this to garner sympathy, or anything personal. Really not. I have a point to make.

As I have often explained, we have a single-payer system, and have explained how it works.

A public option is a good start toward getting things in balance.

As I write this, there are hundreds if not thousands of people who are losing their insurance, incurring costs through co-pay, and going bankrupt and not able to afford seeing a doctor. That is fact.

I had a mail with a series of questions regarding my friend, and they floored me. Regarding the sanitary conditions at hospital, and were they leaving him in his own defecation, being disrespectful, and on and on... She has had some very major surgeries, and I never want to be in a place where she was, if that is the case. Some of those questions shocked me.

To the point where I was just fucking speechless.

So.... to answer the questions.... I go in at different times of the day. And no matter what time I go in, everything is very very clean, and his bedding is always pristine. The personell is very kind to him, and polite, and never impose on his privacy or what he wants. They don't put up with 'shenanigans', and remain polite even still. They are professional, and you can see they aren't exactly thrilled to change his urine bottle... but they are good to him.

I have no issue whatsoever with the care he is getting.

He started getting physiotherapy to make him stronger so he can get out of the bed and into his wheelchair by himself.

He will be 71 next month... if he makes it.

And he won't get a bill... or be financially hurt by it. Which is why I am even writing about this.

I think.... after watching this kabuki for more than a year.... it is all grandstanding and worrying about being re-elected, than really DOING something, and it makes me really angry.

And for all the talk about 'oh, that is Socialism', thus BAD?

Humbug. Socialism is not communism.

And I like what Bernie Sanders is doing.

I hope this isn't a Kabuki move....

5 Responses to "errm... say what? The public option is back on the table?? MORE Kabuki?"

Anntichrist S. Coulter says
21 February 2010 at 01:47

So why didn't you answer the e-mail, or did you and Bellsucks bounced it? Those are genuine concerns, buddy; they happen in nursing homes, hospitals & hospices every fucking day over here.

I love that my "security word" is "HINGE."

Terrible says
21 February 2010 at 16:03

I'd say it's "back on the table" because Democratic Congresspeople who are up for re-election are getting told by their constituents that they suck. that it took the retards a year to figure out the message the American people sent them is whats scary. But then again I guess being slooooooow is exactly what their corporate sponsors pay them for.

RenB says
21 February 2010 at 19:21

Annti, one of your comments got lost, but saw it.... You were right.

And Terrible, I suspect that even worse things are going on here....

Ok, from the top, friend... Not all people who claim to be democarsts ARE real democrats, they just take the easy way.

They are ice-cold, scheming opportunists, and it doesn't seem to matter where they come from.

If I were Dickens, I would do something which would have the theme vanity, or vain-glory, and make it a screed. But am not so talented. Obviously.

Unlike back then... no one has a sense of shame.

And they are so full of themselves, and their sense of 'importance', it makes me want to barf.

Tja, 'coporate sponsors'...

Well, having grown up in a corpration town... I WOULD spit upon any one of their leaders in a split second.

With all the 'slooooow', people are dying.

And God bless Bernie Sanders. Or whoever is 'up' there....

Terrible says
21 February 2010 at 21:16

Sad thing for me is that even IF they do pass SOME kind of public option I'm pretty sure I'll still need to get to Cuba or somewhere with Cuban dentists to do something about my teeth. If I can find one here that will do what's necessary though without saying I have to go to an oral surgeon I may be ok. And actually I do know one who might do it. I just gotta quite stalling and go ahead and spend the money. And it IS the money that I don't want to spend not a fear of dentists. But the idea of a Caribbean trip IS very appealing!!

RenB says
23 February 2010 at 21:15

Oh, Terrible...

Get the teeth done. It is more importannt than you know...

Or.... go to Cuba, and see a dentist.

Am not joking.

Peter always wanted to see Cuba, but he wasw already too ill for that.

And then go on to Florida to see his neice, and up to NH to see my family before flying home.

But think about getting that done in Cuba... And then tell me what you saw, ok?