I got me my ticket, got off here in Ehrenhausen, as two weeks ago,
and it was a much nicer, sort-of-Spring day, as you can see... so I was there at noon, and was at the bus stop waiting for my transfer.This was after bussing across town to Peter's, and emptying his mailbox, which was mostly bills, and I was looking down to the bridge, waiting for the bus to come. Except it didn't 12:14 came and went. No bus.
Whereupon those 'guys' up at the mausoleum brooding down on the main square began looking 'ominous'. And I began thinking. 'It IS Friday, which is a school day, so where's the bus? I can only get there weekdays, no public transportation on the weekends. Well it got to be 12:20, no bus but three people came to the stop, and I asked, and this very surly teenage girl said, 'There won't BE any, school's out today.' And I thought, 'Whaaa?'
Nothing more was to be done... no connection possible. I was really angry. So I trudged back to the train station, and had to wait forty-five minutes to train back to Graz, as a taxi to Gamlitz and back would have cost me over thirty Euros that I did not have with me, and that is where I learned that school was out because--- it is sort of a half-horriday here, the feast of St. Joseph, who is the patron saint of the State of Styria. Uh-huh... At least I found these first harbingers of Spring behind the church there, snow-bells and crocuses. Snow-bells are the graceful white ones, that will usually even come up through a shallow covering of snow. And then come the crocuses. Hope 'Springs' eternal, and all that jazz...
By the time I got home, Peter was in a state, imagining I had fallen off the train or something dire like that. (Riiiight...) So he was disappointed, I was angry about the wasted funds, and all in all, it was a frustrating day.
Not to mention having watched the news from yesterday before I left, which got me so angry in the first place, all the D.C. idjits and their posturing and jockeying over health care. I could have turned the air purple, but am not gonna go there this evening, am just too tired.
So the only mitigating circumstance was turning on The Daily Show from yesterday on the net, which got posted late in the morning while I was on my useless road trip. And Jon Stewart used almost two-thirds of it to do the most devastating parody of Glen Beck, it floored me. Viciously funny, and as Joe Jervis in New York said... 'an instant classic'.
Written on Friday, March 19, 2010 by RenB
Clusterfuck to Gamlitz.... I got stranded....
Filed Under:
daily stuff,
media idjits,
riding the busses....
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