How crazy can you get,. and is this where 'edjumacation' gets us?

Am on a hilarity roll, and Annti just posted something that had me right there.... laughing. Someone wanting this on bumper stickers or flags. I will NOT repeat what my rapid fire reaction was, it was sort of blue. Don't ask, ok?

Ok, it had to do with Rick 'Sanatorium' Santorum. Y'know, the man on dog guy, and so crazy... well... I don't wanna go there. And that new idjit saying people can marry horses.

Where on Gawwds green earth do people come up with ideas like that, huh?

But I sorta liked the idea that you can get behind them or in front of them.... GAAAAA!

How bloody crazy can you get.

Is this about 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell?' Because I really don't get it.... I was usually in front or behind someone when I was young. What is the damned message here? What is the damned edjumacated person trying to SAY?

Sigh... edjumacation. sort of a skeery place to go, and just saying.... Now where is the brain bleach? And I am going back to bed.... And wish you all a moment of hilarity on this Sunday.

Sorry, have been up since 4 a.m., and ran out of steam. And am going back under the bed.

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