late nite post....

I was up at five, and made the trek to Seniorenhaus Pflegeheim Gamlitz today later in the morning. It is a very new building, and I don't think it is more than two years old. It isn't impressive outside, but then I flipped out over the inside. It is gorgeous inside. Peter's got a single, which impressed me. And the design! Elegant. And a flat screen tee-vee. It was amazing.

I hadn't been down that way in ages, and the connections down were ok.. Left at 11:10 with the S-bahn, and had to exit at Ehrenhausen. Then walk into town for the bus connection to Ehrenhausen, where I got a bus conncection to Gamlitz.

Which is only a six minute ride, but would take over an hour to walk to.

And another five minute walk to this home. Got there at twelve-thirty.

My ex-colleague Elke said, 'oh, that will be like a trip around the world...' She lives in Leibnitz.

So I had a very surreal afternoon with Peter. Had brought his post, and there was one from the social service people who rent him his place? 'And I thought, 'What now?' It was a 'reminder', that he hasn't been paying his rent for a long time now, after I told him to do an automatic deduction from his bank, and he wouldn't have to worry about paying it in personally every month. And I thought he had, which worried me the other day... because social services wanted to see a bank account proof of what his rent IS. And I couldn't find anything on his account print-outs that would be what it was. And was confused, and had a bad feeling.

He's nearly 2000 Euros behind! Oh swell.

That made my day....

Let me tell you.... he's way off in La-la land. I don't see how he gets out of this shit, and would see that he gets... cripes, I don't know the word in english, but no longer able to decide anything financially.

He got a really weird moment today. Wanted to take a taxi to Graz and get shaved by my turkish barber a few doors up from where I live. And meant it seriously.

Uh-huh. I just remained calm, and said, 'yeah, riiight'.

And all he did was watch 'Two and a Half Men', 'Married with Children', some idiot thing about the Seventies with a young Ashton Kutscher, and 'King of Queens', which he has always liked.
In double packs, two episodes per show on an idjit channel which recycles and recycles them.

So he talked to me during the commercial blocks. Now that was fun.... not.

His blood sugar is still over the 5o0 level, and am horrified. The personell were very friendly, and nice to him.

So I left feeling that he was being taken care of in that way, at least.

Visited with an ex-colleague on the way home for three hours, met her family, and that was very nice.

Got home at 9:30 p.m.

And ten minutes later, the phone rang. Peter.

His doctor came in shortly after I left. And said, 'I can't find out why I can't get your sugar level down, and will have to transfer you tomorrow to the hospital in Wagna.' And he was uncertain whether he should agree or not. I hope I did the right thing.

Will post some photos from today's junket tomorrow. It is after 1 a.m., and to tell the truth, am bone-tired.

Never rains but it pours.... except there is a difference between a senior care home and a hospital, which is where he belongs. And this home doesn't have a coca-cola machine, so that problem was out of the way.... I can't figure out what is wrong...

Oh, I hope my hair turns white soon....

I just can't figure it out. Even in the worst crises, his sugar level would go to about 260, and now 596????

I hope he makes his birthday in a few weeks. March 23rd. And get to 71 at least...

Nite, it is just too late.

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