Changing channels for a moment....

I had seen this story a month or so ago, and could identify with this ten year old kid. And remembered one particular Thanksgiving. As usual, all the 'guys' gathered around the living room to watch football, and an uncle of mine really mouthed off about 'the race problem' Don't get me wrong, he was nice but he had some huge blinkers. And I felt very insulted because I was in the room, and what he was saying hurt, because it would also have concerned my biological mother, who was long gone. (This was the 6o's, btw....) And I was so terribly angry, but I stayed calm, and said, 'Well... I know how to solve THAT...' and got a condeescending 'Oh really? How?'

And I said, 'The government should force people to intermarry till we finally all turn out one color. Pause... but it will take some time. '

You could have heard a pin drop, believe me. And no, there weren't any internets at the time, and my little voice was insignificant.

Now... so many years later a little boy, very intelligent, only ten years old, made some waves. You are going to love his acceptance speech at the GLAAD media awards, and please watch little Will Philipps from Arkansas, and how he thinks. And how proud his parents look in the second clip. Even though they might sometimes think they got a 'changeling'. Nice.

Thank whomever for the internets, and I think the kid will turn out to be an interesting adult.

And no, normally don't post about kids, or pets... it just struck a chord. Good on him, as they say in the South.

Thank whomever for the internets, and I think the kid will turn out to be an interesting adult.

And no, normally don't post about kids, or pets... it just struck a chord. Good on him, as they say in the South.

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