The guy screams a lot in the night....

I know I haven't concentrated on Peter much the past few days.... They got his sugar levels waaayy down, almost too much... And he just told me he is going to be changing rooms... because... they have a new patient who is epileptic, and screams in the night. So they want him somewhere else, where he won't be bothered.

That is nice....

They will probably be able to put him back in Gamlitz this week. And Jeebus H. you know who... he is so uneasy.

I try. I really do try... but there are days which weigh very heavily on my heart.

He is so upset, because his birfday is on March 23rd, and someone told him that is Easter Monday.Which means no visit on his 'special day'. Because on weekends and horridays, there aren't any local connections on local transportation. I could take a taxi, of course, but I just do not have the money to spend on that. So I said, 'Well... either a few days before or after if that ist the case.' Hell, I don't know when Easter is... I have enough to do without putting that in my head...

I would classify the hospital somewhere in the middle of the scale.... far as the staff goes, they are up there for caring, being nice, and was, again very impressed.

And Annti... everwhere we've been so far... there are always sticks, but without the dead man.

(Sorry, that is an inside thing... similar to 'Mary on the half-shell. And then it would rain if I actually said it out loud. Which is why stuperstitions get born, I guess.)

I feel so sorry for Keith Olbermann. His father died over the weekend. And just as I do, he used his terrible experiences to push for health care for everyone. This morning, I was looking at all the condolences on Daily Kos, and I cried, because he really brought it home without being exhibitionistic. He's been pushing to make things better, using very personal info. Which I have been doing lately.

I hate being misperceived. When I began talking about all this, I only wanted to clear up what lies people in Amerca were told about 'socialised medicine'. Well.... with all my unfortunate experiences, I just write about what I know.

Fun? NOT. But it is very important. Very.

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