Amazon rocks... it really does

Am getting ready to leave the house, and my book was in the post box yesterday afternoon. They are so prompt, I could hug them.

So yeah, am going back down to Gamlitz today. And I know I am going to have fun with this latest novel by Joe Keenan. I swore I was gonna crack it open on the train this morning, but last night I wanted to make sure it would be as good as the two previous ones. Always the same characters, and wildly funny.

It began with the I narrator lamenting about reaching a certain age, and how la vie bohème can be colorful, but despair sets in when you get the feeling you aren't going to reach the goal you set for yourself, which in his case means becoming famous.

And although I appreciated the depiction, been there, felt that.... was thinking: 'ummm... this doesn't sound like it will be fun...' The beginning ends thusly, however:

"For the first time, he allows himself to wonder if his life twenty years hence will be any different than his present existence. 'Of course it will be different,' coos the voice in his head. 'You'll be old.'

From this icy thought, a short road leads to panic, and from panic to despair, self-pity, desperation, and finally, Los Angeles."

And THAT made me laugh out loud, and heartily. It was unexpected, and that is why I like his novels. And goodness knows I haven't laughed all too much in a very long while.

I love that sort of dead-pan throwaway humour, and I know that everyone's sense of humour is different, and what I may find funny other people do not. One thing I learned working in a cinema was never recommend a comedy... ever.

You can bore me to death with slap-stick, for instance, never really get it. Most of Monty Python escapes me. Dumb and Dumber put me to sleep. Mel Brooks is so outrageous on the other hand, he can knock me dead for laughing.

Whatever, have to mosey on up to the train station. I didn't look at anything more than the first page and a half of 'My Lucky Star', but I'm gonna savor this one.... And know it will make me smile, and probably even laugh out loud again. And that is a good thing.

Stopping to see friends in Leibnitz on my way back this evening, so it will be a long day.

W. came by this morning. He's going away to some uncle near Vienna. Who will give him a job, or something. He is still freaked by his ex, who is still maintaining he stabbed her. I have told him a thousand times.... he was in my apt. the night it happened, and listen.... that guy would never do that anyway.

Let's see, he hates gay people, he hates Americans, he spent three and a half months sleeping on my floor till he could find an appartment, and never once did anything near threatening me, or being violent.

That woman is a sociopath. His problem.

Ok, off to Gamlitz. It's a beautiful day.... so far. My tabocconist lady told me it was going to rain later, and I said, 'Oh jeez, just thanks for that one, I need it at seven a.m....' She looked so stricken, I broke the sternness, and we laughed. Another nice person, y'know???

Hope everyone's day is nice.

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