Correction, please, I seemingly goofed....

I was so tired last nite, I obviously oversaw a factoid... I re-checked google three times last nite, because I couldn't figure out why a Socialist mayor would be running to Mass in a senior citizen's home. I don't know where the hell I found the socialist reference to the Gamlitz mayor, was reading sloppily.

So both of them are Rethugs--- which makes it more interesting to me, actually. Seems like they carved themselves a little dynasty, down there..... hmmmm....

Will still research this, it caught my interest.

In the end, they are pols, and doing what pols do...

I have no illusions about any of them, really not...

However.... I had hardly gotten finished with my post last night, and called up my e-mails, which I had neglected for two days, being depressed... Only to learn that 'The Venerable's' sister passed on yesterday. She lived in Indiana, and died of complications due to Alzheimer's at age 87.

I know that he played matchmaker after the war, and always referred to her as 'the kid', it being a HUGE age difference, or something.... I know that they had three children, two boys, one girl, who was 'wild' for Indiana standards... I know that their youngest son went into a seminary, and then dropped out, and no one talks about him any more... And I know that her 'wild' daughter was at her bed-side with her when she passed. In the few times his sister, my aunt, visited... I don't think I spoke more than thirty minutes with her, and I wish I had more to tell... she was very nice, but that is little to go on. She seemingly had a good marriage that lasted a very long time. And that is all I know. So he was a good match-maker, I guess...

The Venerable has been concerned about her for quite a while now, and stupidly, I couldn't respond, because I didn't have that 'connection', and could't find the right words to say, but I know that she meant very much to him, as close as he keeps his playing cards to his heart. But yesterday.... well I said what I think and believe, and it will never go further.

This is just a report, and it might be nice if you share your thoughts and feelings.

Peter's eldest aunt, the Nazi, used to rail and rant at her sibs. She was the eldest. And she would wail and rant at them, and if anyone had a chain-saw for a tongue, she came the closest to it, with threats, and dire consequences, and she had three sisters, all younger. The youngest, Doris, died first, from a disease she caught when his aunt sent her to a Nazi girl's camp, and she got sick, and never really recovered, and never forgave her. And Peter's mother died of a mess of things that were incurred during WWII, but died shortly after I got here, and his aunt was soooo pissed off.

And would call fambly conferences and lay down the law.... only she and Charlotte were left, you see... And she remained activist, and would fly to 'Murka, and mix it up in Harlem in her SS coat, and with black activists in Florida.... the fambly was scandalised. She was a piece of work, all right...

And she would absolutely rant at her remaining sister, and yell about her 'birthright'. She was the oldest, she would die first.

Did I meet her? Yes, once. Formidably scary. But she didn't get her wish. Charlotte is still around and doing fine and will be 90 on the Fourth of July, and is lovely in every sense of the word.

(The rest of the family were Socialists, and they got this cuckoo's egg in the nest, or something... but the eldest didn't rat them out.)

So what I am trying to say, Dad: don't get crazy about the issue. It hurts, I know... I know only too well. Don't go getting crazy ideas in your head about birthright, and 'just because you are older', and stuff like that.

Please don't go there, even if it crosses your mind.

Things happen. No idea why.

I really really hate loss.

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