Sometimes people are awesomely nice...

Millie. I save all my plastic bags, and she needs them to pack them and sell potted plants. She runs the flower stand at the market, and have known her for a decade.

It's just another form of recycling.... And she needs the stuff....

So she got all 'Mommy' on me yesterday morning.

'Are you eating?'

'Ummm no not really, have no appetite...'

'Do you make a hot meal, at least, and I know you can cook very well.' (I have been giving her my recipes for years...)

'Ummm... yeah, I make a lot of rice, mostly with vegetables in it. Cooking for one isn't any fun.'

'Ren, you are really making me worry. You are so pale and look lost.'

'And I KNOW that you are suffering, and being with Peter and you can't go there every day, and it is eating you up. But you have to look after yourself, Herrgottnochmal,!' you are cutting yourself into small pieces.'

I didn't like that conversation, particularly.

I deflected it all. So I changed the subject.....

But she was right, I guess.... and isn't some sort of superficial person, but a friend. That has a very high value in my book.... and she knows, without my having complained and whined...

And that is awesome.

Am not so good these days...

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