oooo... The Eurovision Song Contest!

Is like watching a slow-motion train wreck, and sort of fascinates people. The best group that ever came out of that was ABBA, and that is a looonnnng time ago. Even then they didn't get instant recognition. Celine Dion got her start there, singing for Switzerland, but we don't want to go there.

Here is the Rumanian entry. It's ok... as far as it goes... (look, this is my way of not venting, ok?)


Anntichrist S. Coulter says
19 April 2010 at 20:49

Blame it on ANOTHER vampire, like SIMON COWELL, rather than Vlad The Impaler. WORST. CAMERA. WORK. FUCKING. EVER. !!!!!!

Lovely hair extensions, though.

You Europeans certainly ARE addicted to SYNTHESIZED SHIT, aren't y'all...

{barf, gag, spew, retch, heave, choke, projectile-vomiting...}

And what computerized acid trip do your security words come from? "FRABLED"?!?!?!

Gimme back my clorox, dammit! I've got cartoons of gimp-legged Fraggles running through my head!