This is getting a jump-start on things...

But is for the Venerable, before everyone goes crazy, and make a huge fuss... which you should have every day, if I had my way....

People were asking me what you would like best for your cradle fest, you know? I couldn't come up with much, I've said pretty much everything I think and feel... (whether you probably didn't like some of it...) but you were always there. Solid, loving.

On my way to the market this morning, I remembered something. Bob visited us in the Mühlgasse for a week, and we would have marathon night talks, and he said something that absolutely floored me, and still does. And he was looking at our 'fabulous' kitchen, (and our best discussions were in the kitchen, kitchens seem to do that...)....

And out of the blue, he said, 'Gawwd, when I think of Middle Street, and how poor you all were....'

I was astounded, CONfounded, and so speechless, I couldn't formulate a reply. Just couldn't. It was like having a fun-house mirror held up to you, and you couldn't recognise yourself. And I thought, 'WHAAA?' I was rich!'

Money never meant anything to me, and if I had some, would share the joy... I guess he never understood.

'Things' are never important. We had a roof over our heads, and there was food on the table every day, and you worked your ass off to make sure it was. Sure, there was never extra for 'firlefanz', German for frivolous things, but we got so much more.

Values, learning to work for our goals, support, and above all, love. How much richer can you get, hey.... So... you gave me more riches than anyone ever will, and I would kill anyone who would say otherwise.

You know that there are an awful lot of people out there who mess up their children, sometimes purposely, sometimes unwittingly.

So for my part, Dad... you made me richer than imagination could ever conjure up. So for your 'big' day, just another opportunity to say 'thank you so much'. And I can not think of anyone I would rather have as 'Venerable Parent'.

So, enjoy that day. You are unbelieveably wonderful, always will be.

And now that I have done my mash post... will find something 'racy' to send you on the real day. Except I think Annti will out-do me.... I'd check that post on that day, or get a check-up before you open it. (smile).

Again, this is five days early... but wanted a word before the hoopla begins. And know that I love you muchly, Venerable....

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