Now I feel a bit better....

I called in some vitamin C, got called an 'obtuse boy' today, and the truth can hurt, but it was correct enough. I keep trying to think going around four corners, taking the off exit instead of the on ramp sometimes....ignore the solution that is obvious, and land myself in trouble.

Actually, with vitamin C, I mean 'connections'. Actually, it is vitamin B in German. For Beziehungen, which means connections. So, am I being linear here? I called in a favour. A very big one. It's half-way elegant. I don't get directly involved in all this shit, he doesn't get directly involved, and maybe the problem gets solved.

We have a saying that a mill-stone just fell off your chest. Which means a burden is gone. That just happened....

Listen... I HATE imposing on a friend. I would rather eat dirt and die than do that. But sometimes.... if there is some way you can set wheels in motion and no one gets hurt except the perps, that's worth it.

And that is a relief.... I will not go into it here. But am relieved. Something will come of it, am sure. And then I won''t be 'the crazy one' any more, which would be nice.... Now all I can do is hope.

I have great confidence in my friend's abilities. It will be ok... am sure of it. So obvious....

and better than running around arse over tea-kettle and getting in more trouble, believe me...

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