Part Three

So.... first an apology. I began writing about 'the' tabu' thema when in a perfect hole in the universe without light. And since I had experiences where people never learned the reason, I was imagining and nearly ready for the other, to say good bye. And I am very sorry to have coducted that experiment, he latter which I really MIGHT have done, not seeing something I could constructively do any more. So forgive me for that.

And to you ornery, stubborn, smart and lovely,impossibly darnation devils in this world What age level were we at, six? 'She wanted to do it, I tolds her to!' WE are gonna HAVE a first grade meeting, here, ok? If somone goes 'missing' in another country that you are aware of: You DO NOT call the US STATE Department. You call the embassy where the person is a resident of. They will be more apt to know, dears.....

As it was, I had a captain across the square wiping ink all over his forehead, and if he'd been Irish he'd havebeen yelling 'Holy Mother of God!' and genuflecting or something.

Just having those papers from the State Department sent them into lock-down mode, ok? Don't Do that again.


To everyone else, it was good they did. Being there made me realise a lot of things, and I am very sorry to have caused so much hurt and worry.

Oh, as to getting out messages. Peter caled Elke, she visited me in lock up, I showed her how to do a comment, and contact Annt, and Jake let me use the internet thing on his cell phone. Nothing is safe, he says... Never. Although I nearly got caught doing one and some woman asked me what I was doing at his night stand. I nearly said, 'Looking for condoms', but he said he allowed me to.

To end.... I apologise profrusely to everyone I hurt, and love you all.

And that is the distillated reader's digest version. ......

4 Responses to "Part Three"

Anntichrist S. Coulter says
2 July 2010 at 01:04

NOBODY called the State Department. CC, not knowing, for some reason, that you'd switched citizenships, called the U.S. EMBASSY, in order to see if they could locate you and find out what the fuck you were up to at that point. State seems to have jumped-in of their own fucking accord. And teh Social Worker never told us shit, but the Embassy guy told CC that they were "sending a social worker out to talk to" you, NOT that they were sending the big black van with the eye on the side, k?

But fuck, even if WE hadn't done it, SOMEBODY out there on the World Wide Web WOULD HAVE, 'cause you were being an absolute fucking IDIOT.

So keep yer bitchin' to yerself, and remember that people go to trouble like this BECAUSE THEY CARE ABOUT YOUR FUCKTARDED ASS.

RenB says
4 July 2010 at 01:15

Am not appreciative. You have NO idea what an avelanche of trouble this all caused, and it's gong to take a lonnng time to fix. If it CAN e fixed.

Ypi jave mo idea...

Anntichrist S. Coulter says
4 July 2010 at 06:46

Yeah, okay, WE ruined your life. Right.

RenB says
4 July 2010 at 07:23

I am not putting 'blame' anywhere. Except on myself. And yes, am going to have to SUCK up what comes, and yeah tough titty on me. My point was, if you know me at all, you know how I abhor the US government, always have. And that move made more trouble than it otherwise would have been in the first place.

And don't lecture me about my father. He knows me better than I know myself. And I will 'talk' to him when I know the time is right.