Ok, news of the week in review.....

I sort of followed this, and thought, well, whaddaya want from Faux news. And woke up when suddenly I learned the source was one really great piece of scum, who threw ACORN under the bus, and then t turned out the journalists, KNOWING that that ass was behind it, went into some sort of orgasm, and it turned out that a very honourable woman got smeared and lost her job because of it.

She was right about one thing. The right has played the whites from the first day of the Obama administration, and they want to drive a wedge between the races for seat gains, and they don't care if someone innocent gets burned and has their reputation and carreer ruined.

As to the Countdown 'special comment' segment above, Olberman was on vacation, and came in extra, spitting fire. Please note, if you watch, he didn't exempt his own network from his scathing criticism.

Then there was the breaking of a 90 year old dam in Delhi Iowa. And caused much destruction, am not sure how much loss of life or destruction.... It looked very frightening.... which brings us to the topic..... the US is not investing in maintaining infrastructure. There was that collapsed bridge in Minnesota not so long ago, remember, and IT hadn't been maintained. I expect the same in this story. Anything for a buck, and greed rules till 'something happens', will bet it had the same background there, and then some Ditz gets on CBS and whines about the millions it will cost to repair the dam. Nothing about the owners of the estimated 1000 homes, and their owners, some of which were swept away, or badly damaged. Class act.

Ok, for senseless idjit things that go on in the summer in Germany, there has been the Love Parade. It was one of the craziests things I have ever seen, and for a long time, it was in Berlin, and would wind down from Bradenburg gate, and through the hugest parks you have ever seen... and everyone would get their dance shoes on, and the craziest clothes you have ever seen. It was about 'lurv' and techno music. And the venue were very broad avenues, LOTS of open space, and it was fairly cool, and I would have liked to have gone and gotten my ear-drums shattered... it was LOUD, funny, funky bizarre, and would have made for good pictures....

It cost Berlin a hell of a lot of money to put it on, so as the report says, it has been held in other cities the past few years. When I saw the first reports from Duisburg, my first thought was 'my GAWWD, I wouldn't go into a venue like that.' Through tunnels, and narrow bottlenecks to get there. Reports say there were a million people there. According to the local headlines today, 19 people were trampled to death, and 340 injured, some seriously.

Now they are looking for the scapegoat who set off the panic and stampede. I'm not trying to whitewash him, the venue was ABSOLUTELY wrong. And whoever it might have been obviously had no training in crowd control...... The REAL blame goes to whomever decided to hold it there in the first place.

Y'know... we can even look back to the Fifties on the topic. My uncle was supposed to go with friends and class-mates to the famed Cocoanut Grove in Bawston, a dance place. For some reason he got grounded. Well, they had cheap, flammable decorations, and some caught fire. There was a stampede to the door, the only entrance, and of course, in the panic, someone fell, the door blocked, and a mess of people died in that fire. It had big consequences, and the nation's fire departments soon had a mess of regulations in place so that nothing like that would ever happen ever again. You can look it up on Google. I just remember the aftermath vividly.

So.... I just had a not-so-good week, and no desire to write. When it goes over thirty degrees, I'm good for absolutely nothing.... I did get to Gamlitz last Monday, somehow. Wednesday, the tiles were wet in my bathroom, and I took a fall, and bruised my ribs. Not broke them, just bruised, but that is worse than breaking them. I haven't slept really for the past three nights.

And do not tell me I do not know whereof I speak. I got BOTH sides bruised before, and the pain is very severe, and it doesn't go away in a day or two, so will have to clench my teeth and bear it. I'm glad that this time it was only one side.

Someone is gonna ax me, 'How do you get both sides of your ribs bruised?' My GP at the time did. So I just said, 'Don't ever get involved with a younger male librarian who is to frisky, and jumps on you and is so clumsy, he comes full force with his knees on your ribs. That is rule number one.'

I wish I'd had a camera with me.... that idjit couldn't find WORDS, hey.

Otherwise, don't ask further.

So, I guess that is the week in review..... I caught up on '48 Hours/Mystery', which I find interesting if sometimes lame. Sundays are deadly in Graz in the summer. Otherwise, I tried to sleep without hurting.

How was your week?

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