Hmmm.... Health care

I recently described how the health care place operated on Peter. I carted him over there three days in a row, and they were good. Then they prescribed at home care for him via the Red Cross, with check ups at their place every two weeks.

I was sceptical. I am ALWAYS sceptical... if hopeful...

The first visit was from ]]]]Nurse VERA[[[[. You do NOT want to run into her. She is short and to the point, and all business, and seemingly from Slovakia, or the Tschech Republic, from her name Tag, just supposition. But her funny bone and sense of humour got shot away in one war or another... All business. Her mouth turns down at the corners. NATURALLY. Bad sign...

But she was good.... although if she keeps it up, she could soon become a Nurse Ratchett. (You know, 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?)

Today we had nice but sort of ditzy ladies. Competent. I got a kick out of the thirty something one. Had to fetch and carry stuff she needed. The window was open, and blew the ash off my cigarette onto the floor behind her. And she made a cutting remark. And I said, 'Sorry, am infamous for that.... And I just had washed the bloody Floors...' She busted out laughing and asked Peter if he smokes.' Me drily... 'Only passively.' She broke up.

But nice, and competent and friendly, and not like that Nurse Ratchett.

Whatever, this seems to work so far.

I had to get him something I didn't really want to do. But was necessary.

I do not want to get older. NO WAY.

But on the whole good notes for them so far....

Sometimes I really hate my life....

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