Just back from the hospital....

Something stuck in Peter's craw today... All they did is another scan, which means they are being careful....

He has been following news on the tee-vee, even CNN, and asked me about Wanda Sykes without my having mentioned her... I gave him a brief sample, and he found it funny.

And BTW, for Keith Olberman to say Steven Colbert had titanium balls three years ago, and then say that Sykes went over the line? I was NOT amused. She slammed the previous administration's lap dogs, and then some. 'It isn't supposed to be personal attacks.' So he says. Well, Preciousses, if he can personally attack Boosh in his special commentaries, where the fuck does he get off criticising Wanda Sykes.

Oh yeah. She said, 'He hopes the country fails. I hope his kidneys fail.'

Ok, not nice... But she is a way off-the-charts for pc comedienne, and he is a journalist, and criticises a 'death wish'? Am sure some of us sometimes have had our fantasies about who gets up before the International War Crimes Tribunal at the Hague, and wish they had the death penalty for some of them....

What the fuck was he doing? Saving his job? (Probably...)

It is tough to get a certain age, and have to think before you open your mouf, I guess, but I did not like it.

Crossing the line indeed. Steven Colbert at that event crossed every possible line ever made, and made people love him for it.

Which raises the question... is he sexist?

Am not so sure. Why couldn't Wanda Sykes have titanium ovaries???? Too partisan???

Whatever, had a good visit, they had to dress his wound, asked me to step out and I said, 'Am going downstairs to the LEPERS corner, and I AM GONNA SMOKE A SNIGARETTE! Back in ten minutes...'

And I was....

But all in all.. it made me very sad inside....

So how was your day????

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