Yes, this has been what I have been thinking for months now...

Terrific post on Daily Kos today. Please take the time to read it all the way through... The link is in the title. And the film clip?

Take the seven minutes to look. It ain't pretty, and have seen worse. And then please explain to me how now, so many years later, smirking arseholes and talking heads on the tee-vee can condone similar things, (and yes, I mean you Faux News) and say it was 'keeping you safe', or the scale was smaller, so that was ok... Or... nope, haven't been able to wrap my head around that sort of logic. What was that about people who haven't learned from the past are damned to repeat it? Looks like we all got there.... So put down your samwich, and watch...

Now what were you gonna justify all that with??? Did you SEE the parallels? Oh yeah, it wasn't on a momentuous scale, so it must have been ok. right....

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