DVD review... Milk

This just came out this week....

Sean Penn deserved that Oscar, and how...

I found it very moving, and it brought back some memories, and cried buckets at the end.

Because I remember following that when it happened. I was already in Europe, but he made international news even before he was assassinated. He gave a mess of young people hope and the belief that you can live your life in a dignified way, even if 'the outside' put you down.

One scene, a young man in a wheelchair, calls him and says his parents are going to 'fix' him and send him to a mental institution. Well, I had this 'wired connection' to my experience and had to think of a cousin of mine. Who was only sixteen, he got caught experimenting with a friend by his parents, and they threw him out on the street.

Yes, just like that.

He was incredibly nice. And one day, in the early 70's, he turns up where I worked, and was all warm and friendly, but so shrill, I backed off with my eyes, just didn't wanna know him. And I hurt him... badly. Because I didn't know where I belonged.

If we had had a Harvey Milk at that time, that would never have happened.

Everyone thought they were alone.

And outside the parameters of 'normal'.

And I wish I knew what has happened to him since, if he is alive at all.

So... the film brouht back the past when someone had the balls to say 'Fuck YOU', and demand to be treated equally.

Reading what happened in the NY Herald Trib, and the result, and the aftermath, made me very very angry.

And made me come out, as painful as that can be.

But it gave me my freedom back.

So yes, this is a very subjective review. It brought things up where 'hope' is so often brought up.

But for me.... Harvey Milk was a very positive influence. Where you have an issue in your life, and say, 'Yes, I can DO this, and just fucking don't cross that line in the sand, and get out of my way.'

His nephew just received the highest honour of the US posthoumosly. The medal of freedom award. That's been a long time coming... But gratifying.

And I hope some young people (am thinking late teens here) will see the film, and take courage, and not be afraid of who they think they are.

So... this review is decidedly biased.

And I have never liked any of Gus Van Sant's films till this.

But this one was good. Near perfect. You can't get any better than that.

The DVD I got has some good documentaries from contemporaries who were there.

Very interesting.

I can highly reccomend it.

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