New attack on disseminating info that is already out there....

I just saw that two vids I put up have been pulled 'due to copyright evaluations'. Guess which ones.

The Glen Beck one saying Obama is a reverse racist.... And another of the same ilk, 'birther' Orly Taitz, the Russian woman who has dual Israeli and US citizenship, and both crazy as squirrels who would be funny if they weren't unbelievable....

This has been popping up the past few weeks.... 'There is no copyright, and you can't watch it out of the United States. Ok....

Why shouldn't we see what you do?

It is seemingly nefarious enough....

Beck lost thirty advertisers on his show last week. Orly Taitz is a joke.

We will not get shut down.

And I smell corporate fear.....

Will go on the hunt, and reinstate them, believe me.

Looks like hardball politics, and am up for it.

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