This man deserves to be arrested... or fired immediately

And contained in a prison for the criminally insane.

And I thought Bill O was just fucking pompous and insane.

But Glenn Beck just runs the asylum. Lock him up, call the advertisers and get him into the fucking gutter where he belongs.

Drop the popcorn, get out your wretch bag, and try to stomach this.

The man is unstable. He needs real help. And he is dangerous for all the nuts just ready to do violence.

This is all just not funny any more, and dangerous white men who feel they have gotten cornered somehow, because they cannot deal with the fact that the majority of the world have sorta kinda different colors of skin they have, and don't play by corporate rules....


Have fun with that one.

Except.... I have to ask... what gain do corporations get if they can start of civil wars they instigated themselves?

Cui bono?

So let's get this right... Beck isn't a clown. He is fucking dangerous and inciting unstable people to violence. And as such, I believe he should be fired at the least, and imprisoned at best. Inciting people to riot.

Sure, Beck is just a tool. And with all his eye-rolling, and histrionics? Gay, hate to even say that because I do not want him in my ranks. And to counter his self-hating self, and his oh so righteous stuff about family and so on. He's gay, and frustrated, and afraid, and attacks.

If I had acted like he does now in high school, I would have gotten beaten up... every day.

As it is, I'd like to humiliate him so that he NEVER gets out of the corner I would put him in.

But even better, I would like to see him indicted for inciting riots and violence that I think are going to come if he and his ilk, 'O'Reilly, Limp-balls' are doing the same.

We KNOW what corproations pay them.

We should hurt them in the pocket.

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