And after THAT ram-page....

We are back to health care. Oh, you can yawn all you wish, I know...

My GP is going to New Yawk for a week on Sunday. And I had to get my prescription for my blood pressure filled beforehand, because the pills will be used up before he gets back.

And having been his 'unreliable, recalitrant' patient, he is not always thrilled to see me. He wants me to fill out my blood pressure tables on little cards. I do NOT. I do not let myself be terrorised by any ONE or any THING. I take it now and again, and think, 'oh well...'

And carry on, you know?

So I hadn't really talked to him in about half a year, just drop by, get my prescription and skedaddle out of there.

So today we 'talked'. And I found an amazing gaffe....

I mentioned my asthma. He said, 'I sent you to Dr. Wagner in August! You just went NOW???' '

And I said, no, I had gone straight away, had to wait a few days for an appointment, but was there.

She was supposed to have sent him the diagnosis, and what she prescribed. It bothered him.

Your GP sends you to specialists, and THEY are supposed to send their findings to the referring doctor, so he knows what the hell he should and can prescribe so it doesn't fuck up whatever the other ones gave you for medicine.

(Mixing your meds can be fatal, you know?)

I also told him about my horrible diagnosis this past Tuesday, and what came of that, and why I left the clinic.

And he told me to get my sorry old arse back there, if not in those terms. ASAP.

So, being 'cheerful', I asked what the worst was if the vein explodes.

And he said, 'You will be blind.'

The 'crows' are gone at least. For two weeks, I have had a thing in my left eye, looks like a swarm of crows way up in the sky.... except, if I moved it and looked up, they were still there.... It is very hard to explain.

Well, that hasn't happened yet, so I guess I should be 'thankful'.

Bottom line?

Single payer health care is something good, not 'socialist'. Some people take advantage, to the detriment of those who pay in. Les malades imaginères. Others, like me, make a sign of the cross and make sure they go to the other side of the street if they see a doctor out there.

The rest are just thankful that they get help when they need it.

It all sort of balances out, monetarily....

I swear... I am not being an asshole about this, or have some sort of axe to grind. And I did NOT want to get into my issues, or how I feel, or anything of the sort.

It is about what is good for everyone. I don't going about preaching.

It was about being a stubborn, recalcitrant person with a horror of hospitals, or anything that resembles them.

And to let you know... the system works, and that very well...

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