People are so stoopid, or calculating.

Listen... I have my problems with Obama. But to have this Arsehole critisize him for bowing before the leader of Japan, the 'Tools' don't know what they are talking about. And they are so way out of line, it is incredible.

Even if you are a 'lowly' idjit and let loose on the world.... if you are 'smart', you follow the customs of the land in which you find yourself. And you better learn quickly. There is a different 'ettiquette'.

I learned in my professional life... that if someone from Japan came into the lobby, and we got to speaking, it was of importance to just bend forward slightly, and nod your head down. It was a gesture of respect. Because THAT IS HOW THEY DO THINGS. It is about respect. It was about being polite to them. Shaking hands is way off the border for what is correct.

If you want to go out in the world, you have to know what the customs are....

If Obama 'bowed' before the Emporer of Japan, and deeply... It was a sign of respect, and probably opened the way to a very productive dialogue. I can't know.

If it is the Emperor of Japan, the deeper the bow, the more you show your respect.

BOOOSH wouldn't bow to anybody, as contrast....

But the sycophants are still out there, and they want to make him into Satan, or something. It's fucking diplomacy.

There is still so much I do not like about his presidency so far.

But when he goes abroad, he at least knows how to behave himself.

But get a load of these medja idjits, remnants of people who were sycophants to the
last one.

They have no idea, and blather.

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