Oh... here we go again....

Hospital time....

I am pretty sure Peter has pneumonia again, and for a fucking week now, opposition, right down to the line.

He 'says' he wants to go in on Monday. Hokay.... as long as he does it....

And THAT is only because I am so angry with him at the moment.

I wanted him in there three days ago.

And after watching what happened at the free clinic in New Orleans last weekend... well, it doesn't make much sense, does it...

(83% of the people who went had a condition... from high blood pressure to cancer, to diabetes 2..... Most of them work, but are not covered. That is shameful in my view.)

Am still very angry at the moment, so will not go on. There is no reason for him not to be cared for. At seventy, he's just stubborn as a mule. And makes me worry.

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