I have been holding back...

I wasn't well, November depresses me to the max, and the weather is matching my mood... Peter is driving me crazy as usual, the air is bad, my asthma is worse.... it's a pit month.

But it hasn't stopped me from following the last days of the off-term elections. After all the blather about the race in NY23, and the unspeakable Sarah from Alaska sabotaging the Republican candidate for being 'too liberal', and going with the 'conservative' candidate, ooooohhhhhhhhh the drama. I didn't know she had weapons of mass destruction, but as we know, she can see Russia, Virginia, New Jersey, and upstate New York from her house. Awesome.

It must have 1050 floors, at LEAST!

And I'll 'betcha' she has her WMD's embedded in her Facebook page.

Who taught her that? Al Quaida? She has a playbook, but so coded that only she knows what is in it because she doesn't do teamwork.... uh uh...

So what is her game plan? Splitting the party, and then leading the crazies in the next presidential bid as an 'independent'? Or what else does she have in her cotton candy brain? What?

If things keep going on like this, I fully expect to find a three-party election in 2012. I do...

On other fronts... well, the elections for governors in NJ and VA are 'seemingly' normal... except the witch from the NW is trying to horn in on what happens...

But the reality is, it isn't a national template. It is local, affecting what local people want.

And last but not least.... two referendums. It looks like Maine will lose it's governors' yes to gay marriage by a very small margin. If they do lose, well the fucking Catholic Church found over one million dollars to squelch it. So where did they get it, after nearly going broke with molestation lawsuits? And in the state of Washington, there is a referendum which will probably pass. But they only have civil unions. Not full rights and benefits, and DUTIES.

And WTF is that whole thing about being a danger to hetero relationships? If YOU fuck it up, it won't be because of us.

It's YOUR thing...

I wouldn't GO NEAR a married man, knowingly. I HAVE been with what I thought was a single man on a Saturday nite, and ran across him on the main drag after church with his wife and kids in tow, and thought, 'what the fuck did I DO? I didn't know that...'

I was devastated. Except HE came on to ME.

I didn't know....

People can get vicitmised in so many ways.

And it is always, ALWAYS, the ones who hide behind their 'religion'.

Will go under the bed, which is like crawling in the closet, and hope for the best...

Waking up tomorrow probably won't be very 'happy'.

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