Sometimes people meet you... halfway through the woods...

Life can be so wonderful, and sometimes extreme.

You meet someone from way across the world, and a bond comes into being.

I just got a call from one of the most wonderful people I ever met. So you can guess that he is 'unusual'. I don't like 'normal'. I like 'interesting'. I can fall in love with people who can be 'challenging', and not let me get away with bullshit.

This person is so wonderful, he can leave me spitless. He can. Born in the Ukraine, grew up in Tirol Austria after the war, and then the family moved to Detroit. And became a dentist, and practices in San Diego.

He is such a mass of contradictions, he leaves me breathless. I was a very close friend to his lover, who died at thirty. They visited us three times here in Graz and Vienna. He is so reckless, and funny, I think the world of him. There aren't many people around on this earth like he is. I loved arguing with him---civilly---so many times, and he made me laugh so often, it was fun. Because his heart is so big... he is amazing.

The last I heard, he was going to Rwanda and Uganda on an organised trip to track gorillas, and photograph them. It didn't surprise me. He goes nuts over animals. My couch critter was present when I received that mail.... and he went bonkers. 'THAT is SO dangerous! What is he THINKING OF????' W. was IN central Afrika, and knew what was what.

But my friend seems to be impervious to all danger, although I was worried.

So he called me this evening all the way from California. I love hearing his voice on the other side of the world. And for all his imperfections, his heart is so huge, and he s so kind, I could fall in love with him in one half of a minute.

Yes, he is attractive. Blonde, probably grey now, wonderful 'open' eyes and you see the soul shining out... don't want to get Dumbya here, but there are people who can just let that out, and few and far between, and you can fall for them totally. I guess some people call it charisma.

He calls me twice a year. Ever since his lover died. Who was my 'brother' in spirit.

It is nice to know you have an exceptional, wonderful friend who cares enough to reach out to you, and BE there. Today being a pit one, nothing better could have happened.

And oh yes, he said Rwanda was 'dangerous', but he had a super time filming gorillas. Just go figure... I really love that man. I don't even feel worthy to be his friend. He is so recklessly courageous, and just goes out and does what he wants to do, and fuck what anyone thinks or fears.

Sometimes it is good to remember that there are people out there who connect, and care about you.

I wish him the best life ever.

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