'Aren't we better than this?'

Oh man..... I got to the news from yesterday, and of course I have to see 'The Ed Show'. His first block just blew me away. People crowding around to get applications so they get roofing over their heads. In Atlanta.

It is shameful.

I got Peter to get on his co-pay issue today.

And he lied to me again, what a wonder, n'est-ce pas? Except I do not NEED an attempted shake-down when I go down there.

What ELSE can you expect from a Thursday, or any day for that matter....

I was so hoping they would slap him into a hospital bed here and would be able to visit, but no....

As per usual, I was lied to.... again, and why doesn't that surprise me???

I am way too tired for all this 'excitement'. I do not LIKE being lied to. Am an honest person, and if someone does a number on me, it's 'damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead'. Verbally.

I got some other bad news yesterday, and part of it involved being lied to. I'm more than fed up at the moment.... REALLY fed up.

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