While I was waiting today...

to be taken to Wagna....

Of COURSE I deflected my worries, and watched news.

And since it is the fifth 'anniversary' of Katrina tomorrow.... I would like to recommend people to watch the Rachel Maddow show on the intertubes for the past week. Not all this creepy stuff about what it was like then, but because she focused on what is NOW. And what needs to be done still, after all this time.

'Anniversaries' can be a time to look back.... grant you that. But am not a backward-looking person. I like looking at where we are, and how we go forward, and be and make things better.

She did that. It is very interesting to see and think about.

Tomorrow will mark an 'anniversary' for me.

I had recently met 'Annti' and told her to get the hell out of where she was.

She told me I was a 'drama queen', although I only mailed her the weather report from there, but it was in Caps. Sue me. That is how the weather bureau printed it.

It's my Achilles Heel. Not being precise about where I got the stuff.

The info was completely correct.... but I didn't say where it was from.

But I had met this remarkable woman, and was off the charts for 'concerned'.

So tomorrow is another sort of date... which reminds me how much I received from a very loving person, and how much I have cared.

Now don't get all out of whack. I'm still gay. But I can love women very easily, in my heart. And they are stronger, and wonderful, and you would have to be STOOPID to believe otherwisel.

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