Adventures in Vista-vision.... not

Am having a bad day. As much as I try, I can't get my built-in cam to work, so I went out and bought an external cam. Oooo. Vista crashed twice, and I was so stoopid, I had thought it neat when I was setting the verflixte computer up, I activated a thing that only lets you start it if you get a fingerprint id. So you swipe your finger over a sensor and it starts. YOU Think! So there I was fondling the bloody sensor like a high school kid who got to touch a first nipple not his own.

Yes, I know, eeeewwww...

And the bloody thing didn't LIKE my finger. It wasn't even the middle one....

And I thought it had been installed, but it told me to do it again... and again...

Drove me fucking bat-shit crazy.

I've rarely been so disappointed with anything I paid so MUCH for. I could just spit.

Can't wait to see what other surprises Vista has in store for me. Way to go, Microshit. Get off the crack-cocaine, hey, and do something good for a change.

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