Happy Gorge Day...

Thanksgiving lost it's charm for me seven years ago, as some know....

I spent mine making a little soup, and surfing news.

And listening to a little Brian Ferry, whom a neighbor of mine turned me on to this summer.....

Long story. But I like the music.

My upper wisdom tooth fell out two days ago, and the place where it was is tender. So soup is good......

And I sometimes wonder.... when am I going to relax and not crunch my teeth in my sleep?

Oh well, everyone is concentrating on family, and turkey, and India is seemingly in turmoil. Pass the cranberry sauce....

Update: read so many horror stories about that yesterday and today.... awful. My favorite was from an ex-pat Ami who for the past few years has told his Rethug family that he can't be there because he is on a no-fly list, even though he isn't. Black sheep of the family, you know.... Loved it.

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