I really hate it when Annti is right....

Just click on the title and watch the vid.

It isn't so much that I am surprised.... Am just speechless that the Mormons wouldn't see through the fact that they were being used. That doesn't make them .... errm very bright in my world, but who knows what they thought. Or what they received for it.

3 Responses to "I really hate it when Annti is right...."

Anntichrist S. Coulter says
15 November 2008 at 10:50

I can't believe that you would actually think the lizard-lickers "innocent" in this or any other conspiracy to warp societal evolution.

Mormons = RCC = Islam = Jeehovers = Protestants = Xian Scientists = Scientologists = Jonestown = Teh Nike Suicides = pick one.

A cult is a cult is a cult, and they're all in it FOR PROFIT. If you allow officially "non-breeders" to marry, then too many people will have CONTROL OVER THEIR OWN BODIES, AND THEY MIGHT RAISE LITTLE GHEY CHIRRENS!!!!!!!

After all, where would the RCC or LDS be without poor, overburdened, overbreeding, undereducated people, into whom they can beat their fear, their superstition, their fetishes, their magic totems, their SUBSERVIENCE?!?!?!? You think that the majority of these cults' wealth comes from their wealthy? Pah-HUH! It comes from the faithful and ignorant POOR. That's their BASE. The rich get more privileges and indulgences, but the poor foot the fucking bill.

Therefore, there shalt always be the poor with us, and they shalt pay for our silken robes, our $5,000 Prada loafers, our child-rape coverups, our palaces unto men, for were the poor to rise up and throw off the shackles of mindfuck oppression, well hell, that'd just fuck up the entire SLAVE-LABOR INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY, now wouldn't it?!?!??! Keep 'em busy breed breed BREEEEEDING, and they'll never have TIME to THINK FOR THEMSELVES.

So, how come you really hate it when I'm right (which, of course, is the majority of the time)?

RenB says
15 November 2008 at 13:15

Of COURSE you are right the majority of the time. The title wasn't about that.

You know I go through life with a mostly optimistic view of humanity, and romantic notions of 'doing unto others', etc. etc.

And I know your view, which is the antithesis of my own. And when you tell me something, I take it seriously, but hope it isn't really ALL true, you know?

So yes, sometimes I really hate it when you are right once again. Because it cuts off another little corner of humanity that I will no longer be able to trust, or better said, makes me feel sad for the lost causes I gave up on long ago anyway. If that makes any sense....

It would be nice to approach the world with a degree of trust in common decency, but I really don't see it happening any time soon.

So you see? YOU are the sensible one. Truly.

Terrible says
15 November 2008 at 19:15

Ya really nail it again in that comment Annti!