Just in time for the election....

I finally got up my nerve to try to connect the notebook to my modem. Especially as I tried to connect to a W-Lan connection and McNewbie keept telling me it wasn't activated, and I couldn't find ANYTHING to 'activate' it. So I screwed up my courage and tried it, armed with the installation disc, and the code that I finally found after two days of looking for it.

Turned out I only had to plug it in, and it went so fast I couldn't believe it. And it didn't ask for my code. Super.

In thirty minutes I downloaded and installed three of my most-used programmes, Firefox, Irfan View and Adaware, activated my antivirus account, and read my mail. Something Lazarus McWheezy would have needed four hours for. If he decided not to strike.

So now I can look at and hear the videos on my favorite sites again, although I will NOT try the link a former colleague sent me last night, with the remark that the Amis weren't so prude in this election. It went to a Hustler magazine page titled, 'Who's Nailin' Palin?' supposedly a satire. Typical Larry Flint.

Na ja, am much relieved..... And it finally installed my favorite game, 'The Patricians' about the rise of the Hansa. You start as a lowly merchant and have to try to get to be mayor. All in the thirteen hundreds. It is interesting, and you get to move a lot of goods and ships around, have to build factories, houses, what-not. That will keep me amused for a while at least....

Now all I have to do is try out the tee-vee card and see what THAT brings me. And figure out some of the funny icons on the upper buttons of the keyboard. But the display and sound are very good, at least....

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