And oh yes, I used the WRONG finger....

Because this new pc has a security thing, and we ALL know how important that is.... Well, am not about to schlepp my thing around and add another few kilos to what I normally carry around, but I thought the feature was cool. Except it is not.

Oh no, it is not.

In order to boot the pc, you have to do a finger swipe. And then it recognises your finger, see? And then it boots.


BUT... and there is always a BUT...

It depends on HOW you swipe it, so it doesn't always recognise your finger, see? So you can spend a half hour tickling the little sensor, and all you get is 'X' Nope, don't know you... And you are sitting there yelling, 'But it is MY FINGER, damn it, gol ram it! Are you stoopid, or WHAT?' (That is the abbreviated version....)

Good, if you are in a business where you have to lug it around all the time, I can see that it is a security thing. Mine mostly sits at home. But I thought it was 'cool'. Riiiggghhhht..

And the next thing was, that when I was installing it, it never asked me for a password in case it failed. So I get three tries, and then it asks me for a password I never entered. And Vista is so awful, I keep getting hung up on the sensor, and fondling it like a teenager on his first date at a drive-in movie in the car his parents lent him. This is a BAD feeling, btw....

Because you do not know what you are DOING.

('What's the magic finger move, hey?')

AAANND... I used the wrong finger. The one that can get damaged if I am cooking. You can guess....

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