Advenvtures in Vista-vision II

I fucking HATE Microshit at this point....

On crack cocaine, I knew it.....

I hates, them, Preciousses. NEVER has anyone developed anything so dastardly than Vista.

My brand new computer crashed TWICE today. I was trying to organise some music I downloaded from a neighbor? CRASH! and I lost it all. It just kept replifying till I suddenly had 14 Gigabytes of the same music. Super.... not. It was just a drag and drop operation, and getting rid of doubles.... you would think.

Then I was organising some other stuff... And the screen went black, and all that was left was the calendar and the clock on the right hand side of the screen.

And I couldn't go backward or forward with the damned thing.

So I turned it off.... and it kept coming BACK, just like Dracula.

I was turning the air blue with dreadful curses....

Obviously, I got it back up, the fool thing....

And I have to take my new baby to the clinic tomorrow. Obviously. As he isn't functioning correctly.... Gawwd...

Probably measles. Or chicken pox.... Hopefully not scarlet fever....

That is gallow humour, btw....

Being ripped off in this manner really pisses me off!

It's not like I can go out and buy one every day, you know?

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