ARRRGH!!! The Horridays, the fucking Horridays...

I just got off the ' horn' with the friggin' Telly-com.....

I want to smash something, I want to KILL... I wanna be Voldemort's fucking snake in Harry Potter, go through the pipes of the local one, and throttle them....

Well, you get the idea....

Ok, that sort of took the pressure off.....

Good thing we don't have 'thought criminals'.... yet....

So.... in a nutshell.... Yeah, everything is paid up. And because his connection got fully capped, you see.... because I was ill, and he was ill, and he didn't pay his bill in time.... they cancelled his contract.


So they have to create a fully new one.

Now WHAT the FUCK does this remind me of????

'Murka comes to Austria.... just a hint.

Since the Saturday before Christmas... I have been so ON this. And got the most horrible replies and 'service promises' I have ever heard in my LIFE.

I have gotten answers that were so cold-blooded, I was speechless.

I had some nice people, but they weren't capable of DOING anything.

And on Dec. 30th... I heard that the new approval for a connection had been forwarded on December 29th.

There is still nothing, NOTHING. Well, we had the last of the horridays yesterday, so I checked in....

And this 'Young Thing' said, it will take another week. Because, you see, it was the horridays, and no one is around. Or something. I'm glad I'm on meds.... Or I would have gone off the charts for verbal abuse. 34 years, and I STILL am not acclimatised to some things.... They drive me crazy.

A couple of days ago, a neighbour of Peter's from upstairs rang the bell, could we call her a taxi...

I was so embarrassed. My cell phone is kaputt, his phone doesn't work... it was loverly... NOT. I fell all over myself apologising, and she put a finger up to her mouth, and said, 'shhhhh'. She seems to be nice. I've only spoken with her twice... but she is nice.

However.... Peter is networking. He manages to call and terrorise me at odd hours of the day. Going across the hall, and getting Rocco's father to call me on his cell. Rocco is a pit-bull. Mixed race. Rocco's 'father' is a grouchy old man with a prosthetic leg.

I've never said more that 'hello, how are you?' to him, and I sorta wanted didn't know.

At Christmas, I knocked on his door and thanked him for helping him call me, and wished Rocco a good Merry Merry....

But no, Peter went further. The other day, I found the um-brella in the kitchen instead of in its' stand. So I asked him wtf it was doing there.... He can't use one and use the wheelchair....

He got sheepish. And said he bangs on the ceiling, and the upstairs neighbors come down, and do what he wishes.

(I've been sick in bed for most of this week, so he got 'desperate'?')

So I asked, 'Who's upstairs?'

'Oh, a lovely couple, and they have the most beautiful son. '


'No, I think they are from the Near East.'

REALLY. THIS from the most racist person lately, who has NEVER liked children, and nasty to the family we had living above us in the Mühlgasse, or THEIR children, oh shit, I do not wish do get into that. Not that I LIKE children. They are interesting... how they think.

It would have been 'fun' to have a house full of families, and spoil kids with my cooking, and just been a role model. Nothing else.

Thinking about a substitute-family.

Nothing more.

So I don't 'GET' this now....

Seemingly, he'll 'use' anyone just to get what he wants, but that was unsettling.

The neighbours name....

Na ja I was sarcastic.

I don't want to get into it.

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