We interrupt this transmission....

To add Annti's comment to the post just below this....

She said my comments page wouldn't take it, but it seems Google changed the rules, and you can't comment with more than 4096 characters.... (hokay, better than Twitter with 140... I don't think either of us could do that....

Too chatty...

So here she is....

The important thing is, they'll still BE TEACHING THAT BOOK, even if it's the bowdlerized/Daddy-wanna-look-perfect edition that WE read.

Didn't we learn how horrible the Holocaust was from the edited version?

Yes, it IS censorship and warping the minds of the young through slapping OTHER PEOPLE'S CULT "BELIEFS" DOWN OTHER PEOPLE'S THRAOTS --- DUH. Hardly new, Sad that it happens just as J.D. Salinger dies, considering how often "Catcher" has been banned/censored/bowdlerized/utterly absent from kids' educations. But then, where *I* grew up, in KLAN CENTRAL, we never got to READ anything like "Catcher In The Rye" or "Slaughterhouse Five," we NEVER KNEW THAT THEY EXISTED!!! --- we couldn't even read the REAL Shakespeare, we hadda read bowdlerized EXCERPTS in fucking Houghton-Miflin TEXTBOOKS that destroy the narrative/language/subtext/humor/MEANING of the whole damned play.
I am STILL, and probably always WILL BE, making-up for everything that my "superlative" (Can YOU say, BULLSHIT MARKETING THROUGH LYING TEST SCORES & RANKINGS?!?!? They always EXPEL the "borderline" kids before the standardized tests, to whack the bell-curve IN HALF, the thieving bastards, robbing those kids of the educations to which they are LEGALLY ENTITLED!!!) so-called "EDUCATION" at the hands of those censorship-maddened bibul-banging illiterate FUCKTARDS who called themselves a "school board" or "teachers" or "administrators."

Even my bachelor's degree isn't taken seriously, as hard as I busted my ass to get it, even when I hadda drop out to work
(after the car wreck, I couldn't do both, and I mean that FIRST brain-killing wreck, with the cut brakes, not the wreck that would destroy the REST of my fucking life in '98) because it's from a non-LSU-system UNIVERSITY that the LSU-cult-freaks treat like we're some kind of fucking JUNIOR COLLEGE or COMMUNITY COLLEGE. 90% of Louisiana doesn't even know that the University of New Orleans even EXISTS!!! And yup, tons of reasons why, but not at this time of night.

I been robbed, son, I been ROBBED!!!!!! And yes, so are these kids, especially since we've ALL been robbed and lied-to about this book since before it was originally published. I bet that the WHOLE version of the book explains WHY only "the father" LIVED, too. He sure as hell wouldn't want us to see THAT, now would he. After all, we still don't know who dropped the dime on Anne & family, do we?

WE ALL BEEN ROBBED! Hardly to the degree of those slaughtered in the Holocaust, obviously, but it's still a huge cultural time-bomb to drop on people who learned SO MUCH from this book. MY so-called public schools NEVER LET US ***READ*** "The Diary Of Anne Frank"!!! See why I call that hellhole "KLAN CENTRAL"?!?!?!

Because they're jealous that they've never gotten to pull the same shit on all of the people that they ignorantly hate IN THIS COUNTRY. Oh, they have (and continue to) gotten damned close at times, in isolated incidents and Jim Crow continent-wide ways, but they haven't been able to shovel naked corpses of starved & gassed HUMAN BEINGS into the same cattle cars that brought them into the torture chambers. YET. We still don't know who holds the keys to those "secret" Blackwater/Halliburton/Bechtel-built PRISONS, those "black box" institutions, out in the boonies alllll over this country, either, do we?

Who ARE they gonna put into those billions-wasted-by-Unca-Biggus-Dickus-motherfucking-CHENEY prisons, anyway???

Our times are very different from Anne's, but in all the worst ways, they are very much the same and getting worse. Fates forfend that the kids GET THE PROPER WARNING WHEN IT STILL MEANS SOMETHING, eh? They took "1984" out of the reading list back in '82, we never HEARD of "The Handmaid's Tale" until I got to my SECOND college, even though it came out in '87 or '88. "Brave New World" USED to be on the senior-year reading list, but RONNIE RAY-GUN and "JUST-SAY-NO" NANCY made DAMNED SURE to make the bibul-banging-fucktards happy, didn't they? Imagine how many of the classics that I *still* haven't read, and don't even know exist?

Yes, I am currently still tit-deep in my Terry Pratchett/Discworld addiction, but I *am* gonna keep reading until I get the education that I paid for and DESERVED. Withheld from me by CULT-MEMBER ILLITERATES WITH THE CULTURAL, INTELLECTUAL, AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF YOUR AVERAGE CUNT-FART.

So yes, I see why you are horrified that these kids are being robbed, now that they have the chance to learn even MORE from Anne's diary than we did, but the only silver lining is that the original EDIT is still available. There's plenty enough nazis in there to skeer the bejeebus out of anybody with an IQ higher than dirt. I'd wager that the fucktards who are banning the uncensored version HAVE NEVER EVEN READ THE BOWDLERIZED VERSION IN THE *FIRST* FUCKING PLACE, ANYWAY!!!!!!

People who ban & burn books generally DON'T UNDERSTAND THE WORDS INSIDE. And what they cannot grasp/understand, they FEAR. And what they fear, THEY DESTROY. Like Hillary Clinton and birth control.

End transmission....

Sorry, Annti, but Peter's lap-top doesn't have a mouse, and I tried, but had to re-load three times trying to do it. Those in the know will understand the tags....

One fun anecdote: My boss' younger daughter had English here, and I would help her where I could.... What was on the menu? 'The Catcher In The Rye', among other things, and she was fourteen or so, and a sort of Pippi Longstocking gangly red-head with a devilish humour.

She loved, just LOVED embarrassing me with questions about that novel. She would always pick out sentences that had to do with masturbation, and ask me, 'What does this mean, exactly?' And go into hilarity watching my face turn red with embarrassment. She knew, all right, it was a game for her, and I wasn't about to explain it to her even if I was a slut back then....

As far as I know, no one EVER got.... oh, yes... they DID... once. They wanted to ban a novel by Thomas Bernhard, brilliant man. It exposed a clique of 'intellectuals' in Salzburg in the 60's, and was scathing. But that is the only case I know of in all these years. The hoi-polloi got miffed.

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