And to make things just perfect....

Last night... the phone rang at 11 pm when I was sound asleep. Peter was 'bright-eyed and bushy-tailed', so to speak. I thought he had fallen out of bed again. He wanted to tell me who all he'd been on the telly-phone with. 'Tell me tomorrow, I was asleep.'

I have often said... get me out of a deep sleep for nothing, and I am the Grinch.

Rang again... 'Good morning, it's ten a.m.' It was five a.m.

And rang again... he wanted to know what day it was.




Anntichrist S. Coulter says
1 February 2010 at 01:30

Buy him a calendar and then go bang yer head against a brick wall, 'cause that's what the next 10 years of your life are gonna be like.