Hmmm... I have my own thoughts on this....

Al Gore and his wife are separating after 40 years of marriage. Uh-huh.

Link here.

Well, that's pretty absurd. Seemingly, there is no animosity, or anything. And Why The Hell do I have to fill up the remaining empty spaces in my brain with this 'stuff'??? Like knowing Bob Hope used to live in Taluca Lake? It wasn't anything useful to know, but sometimes you store stuff in your head that has no value, y'know?

Or seeing that Dennis Hopper just left the planet, and he was a terrific actor, but it got everyone's boxers and panties in a twist, because the media made it a major event.

We get our heads stuffed full of nonsense every day. None of this non-information is going to help anyone on the planet.... It's throwing glitter in your eyes, making you look away from what really matters.

I had a book once, one of those self-help things, about gay relationships, and in it, there really was some helpful advice and warnings. One of them was that it can break after 25 years. The Gores lasted forty. Good for them.

Stuff happens. You can grow apart. If it is amicable, who the hell's business is it anyway?

If it is the latter, you can still remain friends, and you have family, and kids, or your pets, or whatever, and there still is a bond there, but the intimacy is gone.

And you go your separate ways, but remain in contact.

You still have some love there, but your worlds have moved on, y'know? It isn't the end of the world....

So I don't really 'get' it. It is no one's business. Except theirs. Well, prominence throws the medjia idjits all aflutter, and they go ON.... Because they want to fill your mind full of absolute crap.

And help you miss what is really important.

That is what they do.

I don't go for this crap. And as above... some people don't really understand how that all works. They put 'relationships' on a pedestal, and have this ideal that love is forever, and if things go differently, and you split, you have somehow failed. Life isn't like that.

You can completely love someone for a very long time. Till it comes to a break, and your lives change. Except, if you have half a brain, you don't throw it away. There is always something left over, that is there, and you hold on to it. And you can still hold onto that, and see that it remains good.

What gets left isn't 'love'.... but a sort of friendship.

I think a lot of people on the planet don't really 'get' that.

And those on the 'outside' consider you 'dumb', or 'gullible' or even worse, 'naive'. Except that isn't what it is about. It is what life IS. And you try to get through it with as much dignity that you can hold onto.

So where did that come from? I need some sleep.

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