Ok, had a really horribe day, ok?

It was health issues. And the weather had gone from the low Twenties to Forty the past two days. Forty degrees Centigrade is damned HOT. And I didn't get my blood pressure pills renewed the past week, and yesterday, oh man, I really began to feel it, all right.... It was partly being lazy, and partly depressive, so I didn't go get my prescription. And if I get them over the counter without, they cost more than twice as much....

So that was how my week began.... more or less. So yesterday I suddenly got dizziness, and today it was worse in the morning... And I had promised a few people a few thngs. And in the past months, I 'want' to get something achieved, and get so messed up, I don't even wanna leave the house. And sometimes do not.

So ok, I thought, 'I'm Doing this today, come hell or high water.'

So I trucked on over to the ho-tel, beladen with stuff on my way to the train station, and oh wow.... The air was so toxic my asthma kicked in, and I was already was kicking myself in the arse for not having packed my 'bomb', my asthma inhaler. Normally I do not need it.....

The diziness wasn't going away, and it was getting worse. But I WANTED to pass on Glee to my ex-colleague, because I KNOW she and her daughters will love that series. We all like musical sorts of 'stuff'. I've lent them so many things over the past years, and the kids wanted me to see the 'High School Musical' series, and they meant well. They were 'cute'... But I lent them more serious stuff. Glee is restricted for people under fifteen, and my colleagues' daughter Steffi is just barely 16. So I told Elke, 'This is 'High School Musical'... without the Disney. And she said, 'Oh, am so curious!' We shall see.

They lurves them the Desperate Housewives series, and have seen what I collected so far, by the way.... So it isn't always about music.

So I was just in there for one snigarette, but that wasn't doing me any good. Got Herzrasen, increased heart racing. Smart? Sometimes I am, but usually when it comes to other people.

So off to the train station it was. And I was getting an asthma incident, could hardly breathe.

But I got on the damned train, and was reading in my first edition Steven King volume of the Dark Tower series. My cousins surprised me with it some years ago, and it is a good read. Wizard and Glass.

Very handsome if gruesome illustrative plates in it. And damned expensive.

And had an etching in a frame with me to brighten up Peter's room.

I found it in a box, when I cleared out Peter's apt. There was a couple from CT who visited us every year, and it is of a raven. Which was from a native American out of British Columbia. Marion was on a cruise, and found it, and the next time she visited, was a house-warming gift.

By the time I got to Ehrenhausen, I was nearly wiped out. And got the bus, and trudged up to the home, and it was NOT ok. I nearly collapsed on the bench outside. Juliana noticed that something was wrong, we spoke a bit, and she said, 'Don't you DARE collapse on me!' My asthma was kicking in, and I said, 'Oh, I just need to rest a moment and collect my wits.'

I was just DRENCHED in sweat. It was sort of gross.

So I took everything up to Peter's room, he had just finished lunch. And I said, 'Listen, I am sorry, but there is no way I can push you into town today.' Am sure he would have liked some ice cream, or something cold.

I don't know how I got through the afternoon, was just nauseous.

I did my time in Café Purgatory on the way back, and just wanted to get home. And of COURSE the train had a ten minute delay, so it was one of those, 'Oh my, am I ever gonna get HOME and lie down?????'

I popped into the supermarket, got a tiny bite to eat, no appetite.... And hardly got into the stairwell of my house, and then it hit. I couldn't get any more air, and begain choking. Which set off my gag reflexes, and sort of dragged myself up, but wasn't throwing up, because I had nothing in my stomach at the time.

There is NOTHING I hate more, and have to get my nose clear when it happens. In the post below, the cheerleader coach yells at her team. 'You think that was gruesome? Try getting waterboarded!' Well Preciousses... I 'think' I know how that feels, so I didn't really find it funny....

It took a full half-hour to recover, and I hate that as well....

Peter's picture got hung, we did some more work on how to use his laptop, and he sort of drove me crazy, but I am not good company if I'm down on my game.

As to the heat.... istn't supposed to go that high in June. Celcius always confounds me. Ok, let's take it from the top.... O Celcius is 32 degrees Fahrenheit, ok? And every degree above that is 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit over that, ok? 4o degrees... well I guess it was over one hundred out there the past two days, and all I know is... that is so hot, you wanna die. Especially if you have a health issue. And that is August weather, not June, although it has been known to happene.

Yeah, so am not cheerful.... it's cooling off, so I feel a bit better. Thank whomever...

And how was YOUR day?

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