A message for Tony Hayward....... CEO of BAD PRODUCT

You want to get your bloody LIFE back? (That's what you said in a whiny self-pitying tone, you git...) Do us all a favor, Tony... Do it in hell. Because THOUSANDS of people have lost their livlihoods and existences thanks to your 'swell' mismanagement and grasping greed. You inflicted it on them, and the true impact has yet to be seen. Not to mention that a pristine ecological area won't come back for decades, probably. So you just go there, and get your life back, and I hope you suffer forever. Because you have given a new dimension to the concept of spoiled, snivelling, self-pitying prig. Not to mention a new definition of colossal incompetence.

Hat tip to Scott of Bill in Exile for posting the photo. Speaks from my heart, hey.

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